Why you should hire Dunham & Jones as your Abilene Criminal Attorney
Paul Dunham and Scotty Jones have made it their primary objective to hire the best criminal defense attorneys who have the dedication and experience in helping those accused of a crime in Texas. They want you to get the best legal defense possible at an affordable price. They have hand selected board certified attorneys, former prosecutors, assistant district attorneys and criminal defense lawyers to make up their team of criminal defense attorneys who defend their clients. The defense lawyers at Dunham & Jones have over 200 years of combined legal experience. To get the best help with your case call 325-999-9999 today or complete the free consultation form.
Just give us a call at 325-999-9999 for a FREE consultation to discuss your case and get the help you need with your case.
Affordable Criminal Lawyers in Abilene, TX
Dunham & Jones gives our clients affordable prices for their cases and offers simple payment plans with no money down in most cases. We design easy payment plans for our clients to work around their budgets. Dunham & Jones has always offered payments plans making it easy for our clients to hire a qualified DWI attorney, criminal defense lawyer, sex crimes attorney or felony lawyer in Abilene, TX.
Award Winning Abilene DWI Lawyers
If you're charged with Driving While Intoxicated in Abilene or anywhere in the Abilene Metro, it doesn't mean you intended to drive while drunk. That's why DWI/DUI charges are common in the Abilene Metro. Our Abilene DWI attorneys have helped people from various backgrounds including doctors, lawyers, engineers, pilots, nurses, firefighters, pharmaceutical representatives, programmers, even elected officials. If you're facing a DWI charge in Abilene or Taylor County, call 325-999-9999 to speak with an Award-Winning Abilene DWI Defense Lawyer at Dunham & Jones. We'll discuss your best DWI defense strategy, review all aspects of your DWI stop, and provide you with the evidence you need to make informed decisions on your DWI in Abilene.
Drivers License Warning after a DWI arrest in Abilene
After a charge of a DWI in Abilene, you have only 15 days to request an Administrative Hearing to fight the Texas Department of Public Safety from suspending your driver's license. If you don't request an Administrative Hearing within 15 days of your DWI arrest your driver's license will be suspended for 90 or 180 days depending on the conditions of your current and previous DWI arrests.
A conviction for a DWI in Taylor County can result in:- $1,000s of dollars in court costs and fines.
- Higher auto insurance premiums for years.
- Loss of your driver's license.
- Jail time.
- DWI Probation.
- Alcohol and drug testing.
Abilene DWI Drugs Lawyer
Increasingly, law enforcement and prosecutors are arresting and charging drivers with driving while intoxicated of drugs in violation of Texas Penal Code § 49.01(2)(A). It's illegal if you consumed illegal narcotics such as cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and methamphetamines. However, many people don't realize that it's also illegal to drive while under the influence of certain legally prescribed medications that can cause impairment, including painkillers such as Vicodin, anti-anxiety medications like Xanax and sleep aids like Ambien. The fact that a defendant has a lawful prescription for a medication isn't a defense for a DWI drug charge dismissal. Marijuana isn't legalized in Abilene and the police will arrest you for Marijuana DWI if they suspect you're high on weed or find drug paraphernalia on you or in your vehicle.
Texas Penal CodeTitle 10. Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, and Morals
Chapter 49. Intoxication and Alcoholic Beverage Offenses
§ 49.01. (2) "Intoxicated" means: (A) not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol, a controlled substance, a drug, a dangerous drug, a combination of two or more of those substances, or any other substance into the body;
When someone is charged with DWI because of drug use, a blood test usually shows they had drugs or medication in their system at the time of their arrest. These can be illegal drugs or prescription medicines that shouldn't be used when driving. Here are some drugs often found in the DWI toxicology tests:
Prescription Medications (pills) that can get you arrested for a DWI Drugs in Dallas:
Ambien, Hydrocodone, Codeine, OxyContin, Percocet, Morphine, Darvocet, Vicodin, Lortab, and Xanax
Street Drugs that get you charged with a Dallas DWI Drugs:
Marijuana (Weed), Cannabis, Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms), PCP, Opium, Ecstasy, Methamphetamines, LSD (Acid), GHB, Heroin, and Cocaine
Get the Abilene DWI Defense you Need
Just call 325-999-9999 to talk to one of the qualified and experienced Abilene DWI lawyers at Dunham & Jones for help. You need to have a Abilene DWI Lawyer whose primary goal is to fight for your DISMISSAL on your DWI offense.
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Assault charges require a strong defense from a Criminal Lawyer in Abilene
As a Criminal Lawyer based in Abilene, I want to make it clear that assault charges can be complex, especially in Taylor County and the Abilene Metro. Even if you didn't mean to hurt someone, you could still be found guilty of assault. This is because if it was reasonable to expect that your actions could harm or offend someone, and you intended to make contact, that could lead to assault charges.
Here's how assault charges could happen in Taylor County
You could face assault charges if you intentionally, knowingly, or even recklessly cause physical harm to another, threaten someone with harm, or make contact in a way meant to provoke or offend.
Assault charges can escalate to "aggravated assault" if the situation involves serious injury or the use of a deadly weapon. This is a much more severe charge, with significant consequences.
It's crucial not to underestimate the seriousness of these charges. Our criminal defense team at Dunham & Jones in Abilene has a wealth of experience defending clients against all kinds of assault allegations in Taylor County. If you're facing assault charges, getting legal representation early can make a big difference. Dunham & Jones is here to ensure your rights are protected and to work towards the best possible outcome for your assault case in Taylor County.
Call Dunham & Jones today at 325-999-9999 and talk with a Criminal Lawyer in Abilene to discuss the best way to handle the assault charge that has been filed against you in Taylor County. The call is free and payment plans are offered to help you get the best criminal defense.
Possible Defenses for an Assault in Abilene
If one is facing assault charges in Taylor County, there are various defenses that criminal lawyers in Abilene can raise.
If you're dealing with assault charges in Taylor County, there are several ways a criminal lawyer in Abilene might be able to defend you. Here are some common defense strategy for an Assault in Taylor County:
- Self-defense: Arguing that you were protecting yourself.
- Consent: The other person agreed to the action that led to the charges.
- Privilege: Certain situations give a person the right to act in a way that might be considered assault under different circumstances (like performing a medical procedure).
- Mistake of Fact or Law: You genuinely misunderstood a fact or the law, affecting your actions.
- Statute of Limitations: Too much time has passed since the incident for charges to be brought.
- Age: If you were under a certain age, it might impact the case.
- Insanity: Arguing that you were not in a sound state of mind to understand what you were doing.
Each of these possible defenses depends on the specifics of the case, and a skilled criminal lawyer in Abilene can help navigate the best approach.
Penalties for Assault in Taylor County, Texas
As a criminal defense lawyer in Abilene, it's important for you to know the basics of assault charges and their potential consequences. In its simplest form, assault is considered a Class A misdemeanor here in Texas, which could mean a fine of up to $500. However, the situation gets more serious if the assault is against specific individuals such as public servants performing their duties, household members or romantic partners, security officers on duty, or emergency personnel. In these cases, an assault charge can escalate to a third-degree felony. This means the accused could face 2 to 10 years in prison and possibly a fine up to $10,000.
But it doesn't stop there. Under certain conditions, a third-degree felony assault can be upgraded even further to a second-degree charge, which carries a stiffer penalty of 2 to 20 years in prison and the same fine threshold. Aggravated assault, a serious charge in itself, often starts at this second-degree level.
In the most severe cases, particularly when a deadly weapon is involved and serious injury occurs to a family member, an assault charge can become a first-degree felony. This level of offense can result in a sentence ranging from five years to life in prison.
Understanding these distinctions and potential penalties for an assault offense in Texas is crucial. If you or someone you know is facing assault charges in Taylor County, it's essential to have an experienced criminal lawyer in Abilene on your side to navigate the complexities of the law and fight for the best possible outcome.
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Domestic Violence in Abilene
Domestic Violence in Abilene and the Abilene Metro can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the specific circumstances and severity of the offense. The distinction between misdemeanor and felony charges is based on factors such as the nature of the violence, the extent of the injuries caused, and the defendant's prior criminal record.
Under Texas law, Domestic Violence offenses are generally categorized as "assault" charges, and they can range from a Class C Misdemeanor to a First-Degree Felony. Here is a breakdown of the potential Domestic Violence charges in Taylor County:
- Class C Misdemeanor Assault: This is the least serious domestic violence charge, typically involving minor physical contact or offensive touching. It carries a maximum penalty of a fine up to $500.
- Class A Misdemeanor Assault: This charge applies when there is evidence of bodily injury caused to a family member or someone in a dating relationship. It carries a maximum penalty of up to one year in county jail and/or a fine up to $4,000.
- Third-Degree Felony Assault: This charge applies when certain aggravating factors are present, such as causing serious bodily injury or using a deadly weapon during the assault. It carries a potential penalty of 2 to 10 years in prison and/or a fine up to $10,000.
- Second-Degree Felony Assault: This charge applies when the assault involves serious bodily injury to a family member or someone in a dating relationship and the defendant has a prior domestic violence conviction. It carries a potential penalty of 2 to 20 years in prison and/or a fine up to $10,000.
It's crucial not to underestimate the seriousness of these charges. Our criminal defense team at Dunham & Jones in Abilene has a wealth of experience defending clients against all kinds of assault allegations in Taylor County. If you're facing assault charges, getting legal representation early can make a big difference. Dunham & Jones is here to ensure your rights are protected and to work towards the best possible outcome for your assault case in Taylor County.
It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and the specific Domestic Violence charges and penalties can vary depending on the circumstances of the case and the discretion of the prosecuting attorney in Taylor County. If you or someone you know is facing charges related to Domestic Violence in Abilene or the Abilene Metro, it's very important that you call 325-999-9999 and speak with one of our Midland Criminal Defense Lawyers to discuss your domestic violence charges. We will go over all of your options and in your FREE Consultation.
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Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon in Abilene
In Abilene, Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon represents a serious felony charge under the Texas Penal Code. This felony offense occurs when an individual intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another with the use of a deadly weapon. The legal definition of a "deadly weapon" encompasses not only firearms and knives but any object that, in the manner of its use or intended use, is capable of causing death or serious bodily injury.
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon in Abilene is typically classified as a second-degree felony. However, the charges can escalate to a first-degree felony under certain circumstances, such as if the assault was committed against a public servant, a family member, or in retaliation against a witness, juror, or informant, among other specific conditions.
The penalties for a second-degree felony in Taylor County, Texas include imprisonment for 2 to 20 years and a fine of up to $10,000. A first-degree felony charge carries more severe consequences, with penalties ranging from 5 to 99 years, or life imprisonment, and a possible fine up to $10,000.
Given the gravity of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon charges in Abilene Metro area and the potential life-altering penalties, it's imperative for anyone accused of this offense to seek skilled legal representation immediately. A Texas criminal attorney with experience in handling violent crimes can provide an aggressive defense strategy, aiming to protect the accused's rights, challenge the prosecution's evidence, and work towards the best possible outcome given the circumstances. Whether through negotiating plea deals, seeking to have charges reduced or dismissed, or fighting for acquittal at trial, a knowledgeable attorney is an indispensable ally in navigating the complexities of the criminal justice system.
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Abilene Sexual Assault of a Minor Lawyers
Sexual Assault of a Minor in Abilene and Taylor County, Texas.
In Abilene, Texas, being charged with the sexual assault of a minor is extremely serious. It's not just the risk of going to prison that makes it grave, but also the fact that those found guilty must register as sex offenders, a requirement that follows them for life. This holds true whether the sentence includes jail time, probation, or even deferred adjudication.
Being wrongfully accused of this crime is among the worst situations one can face. Despite the principle of "innocent until proven guilty," just the accusation can lead to arrest, strict bail conditions, and a lengthy battle to clear your name and protect your reputation. The legal system begins with a low threshold for arrest, requiring only a "probable cause." Our aim is always to demonstrate to prosecutors, judges, and jurors that the accusations can't meet the stringent standard of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt," and our track record shows our success in these efforts.
Definition of a Minor for Sexual Offenses in Taylor County, Texas
In Taylor County, Texas, a "minor" typically refers to anyone under 17 years old for most sexual offenses. However, for certain sex crimes, individuals under 18 are considered minors. The ages of 14 and 6 are also crucial in determining the severity of potential penalties.
Sexual Assault of a Child under 17 is a significant legal charge, often equated with statutory rape, because a person under 17 cannot legally consent to sexual activity in Texas. This crime is a second-degree felony, with punishments ranging from 2 to 20 years in prison and fines up to $10,000. Charges can escalate to Aggravated Sexual Assault under specific circumstances, such as the use of a date rape drug or if the victim is younger than 14.
The Importance of Various Statements in Investigations
Various statements play critical roles in child sexual assault investigations:
- Outcry Witness Statement: The first report made by a child to a trusted adult, which is crucial for corroborating the victim's account.
- Statement to Detective: A formal interview with law enforcement, gathering detailed information and assessing the credibility of the child's allegations.
- Statement to Forensic Interviewer: Conducted by a professional trained in child forensic interviewing, aimed at gathering information without re-traumatizing the child.
- Statement to Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE): Part of the medical forensic examination, important for assessing the child's medical needs and collecting forensic evidence.
False Accusations Child Sexual Assault in Abilene
False accusations can stem from various motives, including manipulation during child custody or divorce proceedings, children lying to avoid punishment, or mistaken identity. These situations require careful defense strategies to protect the accused's rights.
Statutory Rape and Sexual Assault Laws in Taylor County, Texas
In Taylor County Texas law considers sexual activity with individuals under 17 as statutory rape, emphasizing that minors can't consent. There's no statute of limitations for such cases, meaning charges can be brought up at any time if the law allows.
Potential Outcomes and Defenses for Sexual Assault of a Child Charge in Taylor County
The outcomes of a sexual assault of a child charge can vary in Taylor County. Legal defenses might include proving an alibi, challenging witness credibility, or arguing insufficient evidence. It's crucial to have an experienced sex crimes attorney who can navigate the complexities of the case, potentially leading to outcomes like dismissal, reduced charges, or acquittal at trial.
If you're facing charges for the sexual assault of a minor in Abilene, it's vital to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney who understands the nuances of criminal law and has experience dealing with sex crimes against children. Our criminal defense attorneys bring decades of experience in criminal defense, including former prosecutors who know how to identify weaknesses in the prosecution's case. We're committed to defending our clients' rights and achieving the best possible outcomes, whether that means fighting for a case dismissal, negotiating lesser charges, or defending you at trial.
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Directions to Dunham & Jones Criminal Attorneys Law Office Abilene, TX
Dunham & Jones Abilene law office is conveniently located in the 4400 Place at 4400 Buffalo Gap Rd., Suite 1500, which is conveniently located on Buffalo Gap Road just off of the Winters Freeway, we are right next to the Mall of Abilene.
Here are detailed directions coming from each of these locations. Please call our law office at 325-999-9999 if you any questions.
- Abilene Law Office
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Abilene Criminal Law Office
4400 Buffalo Gap Rd., Suite 1500
Abilene, TX 79606
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DWI · DUI · Felony DWI
Injury to a Child · Injury to Elderly
Drug Trafficking · Possession · Money Laundering
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Dunham & Jones
Attorneys at Law, P.C.
4400 Buffalo Gap Rd., Suite 1500
Abilene, TX 79606
Award Winning Abilene Criminal Attorneys
Dunham & Jones · Abilene, TX
Appointment by consultation only.
Abilene is located in Taylor County, TX and Jones County, TX. Abilene is the county seat of Taylor County.